Adding a table



How does it work and what means what ?

In the first field "Rows" you can specify how many rows you need, the second field columns specifies how many columns you need. You can make the table as big as you want but a too big table could crash a browser or result in long download time of the web page.


What does Cell padding mean ?

Cell padding specifies the number of pixels to show between the data and the cell edges.  See example below.


Example 1. Cell padding set to 5.

Left Heading 1 Left Heading 2
Cell Padding = 5 Cell Padding = 5

Example 2. Cellpadding set to 10.

Right Heading 1 Right Heading 2
Cell Padding = 10 Cell Padding = 10


What does Cell Spacing mean ?

Cell spacing specifies the number of pixels to show between cells. See example below.


Example 1. Cellspacing set to 5.
Heading 1 Heading 2
Cell Spacing = 5 Cell Spacing = 5

Example 2. Cellspacing set to 10.
Heading 1 Heading 2
Cell Spacing = 10 Cell Spacing = 10


What does Alignment mean ?

The alignment specifies if the table is centered in the middle of the document or that it's set to the right or left side of the document.

Align LEFT
Aligns the table along the left margin, and all text following that table is wrapped in the space between that table and the right side of the pagez

does the same thing, with the table aligned to the right side of the page. Centering tables is slightly more difficult.

ALIGN=CENTER - not supported
Currently, no browsers support ALIGN=CENTER on tables. However, you can use the <CENTER> or <DIV ALIGN=CENTER> tags to center the table and Matrix Y2K uses the <center> tag for centering the table.


Border ?

If you would like to have a border around your table then specify hear how big the border must be.


Border Color

Here you can select the color of the border of the table.


Background Color

Here you can specify the background color of the table. This will color the whole background of the


Table Width

Table width specifies how wide your table will be if you fill in 100% then the table will be as wide as 100% of the width of of your document but you can also fill in for example "200"" then the table will have a size wich it will always be.